Developed a bespoke function within Driveworks aimed at minimizing repetitive tasks, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity

DriveWorks Custom Generation Tasks

Project Overview



Customer Profile

Engineering Solutions


Gujarat - India


Outsourcing Services


DriveWorks Plugin, DLL


Customer want use Scale function with the help of DriveWorks.


Developed a feature scale generation task that can be used to scale the feature in DriveWorks.


C#, .Net, DriveWorks Pro SDK, SolidWorks

Software we Used

Feature Scale

  •  File Type: .dll
  • Language used: C# .Net.

DriveWorks current available functionalities does not have any tasks to scale the feature. To achieve this requirement, we developed a one Generation task called “Feature Scale” which can be used to scale the feature.


The “Feature Scale” generation task allows you to scale the required feature. The name of the feature is passed in the “Feature Name” that to be scaled. Scale about and scale value are the inputs required to scale the feature. This task can be used either in the Pre-Drive Tasks or Post Drive Tasks of the generation sequence.

The below image represents the use of the “Feature Scale” Generation task in DriveWorks. This task takes in three inputs:

• Feature Name: The input fields accept a string value i.e., the name of the feature to be scaled.

• Scale About: This input accepts the number 0, 1 or 2.
      0 – Scale about centroid
      1 – Scale about origin
      2 – Scale about coordinate system

• Scale Factor: This input accepts the number i.e., the scale factor value

Project images